What is Round Square?
Newcastle Grammar School is part of the international network, Round Square, connecting more than 260 schools in 50 countries. Understanding that many of life’s important lessons come from practical experience, experiential learning is used to shape students’ character and build their capacity to make a positive difference in the world as globally minded, courageous and compassionate leaders. Being a part of Round Square allows students to collaborate through quality programs and experiences that lead them into a world beyond themselves, embracing their strengths and providing them with further skills to equip them for the future.
Through the Round Square Community, schools bring students face-to-face with their peers from across the globe to exchange ideas, learn about each other’s countries and cultures, and to discuss and debate some of the most difficult and sensitive issues facing our world today. Whether in-person, at Round Square Conferences, via Student Exchange, through Service Projects or online, the aim is always to build students’ international understanding.
Round Square schools share a commitment to character education built around six themed IDEALS – International Understanding, Democracy, Environmental Stewardship, Adventure, Leadership and Service.
Vietnam Project
Newcastle Grammar School has had a strong connection with an orphanage and school in Long Hai (Vietnam) which allows students to share in culture, embrace diversity and support others.
Students in senior years have the unique opportunity to attend an annual excursion to visit these partner organisations. This immersive experience aims to increase awareness of the privilege gap that currently exists in society by gaining a broader perspective of education and life in a developing nation. In addition, students and our families engage in fundraising activities throughout the year to provide financial support to the Long Hai School.
This allows students to engage with other initiatives aimed at breaking the poverty cycle in Vietnam, including Dining in the Dark prepared and served by blind hosts. NGS remains committed to the Vietnam Project and the Long Hai School, with each trip strengthening the relationship between both organisations and most importantly, between the students.

K-12 fundraising challenges “dress up for Vietnam”

Student Exchange Opportunities: National and International
Through the Round Square network, students may participate in exchanges both domestically and internationally. In the younger year levels, there is a focus on gaining exchange skills within different regions of Australia before embarking on international exchanges in later years of schooling.
The local opportunities offered through Round Square are reciprocal, where NGS students experience life at another school and another region, and NGS families host students from other schools in return. These experiences benefit both the students and host families.
In person Conference Opportunities
NGS students can travel domestically and internationally through the Round Square network. Supported by staff, these experiential learning opportunities push students beyond their comfort zones, allowing them to explore different cultures and shared leadership development with students from around the world. NGS students have most recently attended conferences in Kenya, Colombia and Rockhampton (QLD).

Online Conferences and Postcards
Students can explore global diversity and broaden their perspectives without leaving the campus. Online Conferences and Postcards allow students across all year groups to participate in and lead national and international sessions focused on particular IDEALS and themes. Each week, students from Round Square schools worldwide lead engaging 60- or 90-minute Zoom Postcard sessions. These interactive, student-led conversations connect young people with peers from up to 30 different schools, offering insights into everything from cultural traditions and favourite recipes to pressing global issues like climate change and social justice.
Whether sharing hobbies or discussing major challenges, these sessions provide an opportunity for students to build international understanding, dispel stereotypes, and cultivate a genuine respect for other cultures.
Some recent examples:

Year 3
Year 3 students discussed ‘the place they live’ with other school children from India, Bangladesh, Thailand, and other parts of Australia. They learned about historic landmarks, special traditions and celebrations and shared some of their experiences living in Newcastle.
They learnt that Varanasi, in India, is one of the oldest cities in the world, the city of Dhaka in Bangladesh is home to more than 10 million people and Thailand, like Australia, has many beautiful beaches.
A reflection from Violet:
“It was really interesting to speak to other kids who live somewhere very different to Newcastle. It’s easy to forget there’s a whole world out there, but it’s important to think about that sometimes.”
Year 5 and 6 Leaders
NGS hosted an international virtual conference focusing on the Environment. Through the theme of Our Environment: A responsible legacy the students leading the session prompted discussions and looked at simple but actionable ways to help protect their local environments. The aim was to showcase that local actions can have global effects, and the legacy of this generation should be to leave the world in a better place than where they started.
Students attended from Round Square schools around the world including India, China, Japan, Korea, South Africa and Canada. Keynote speaker, Cherry Sung, founder of “Greener is Cleaner” discussed human rights in relation to the environment, youth activism, and how we can all can get involved in such actions.
Years 7 to 9
The Junior Committee hosted a Postcard about democracy and created an amazing experience for the attendees – over 80 students from five countries around the world. It was titled Finding our voice as young people and the future generation – unmuting our voices for the future.

Years 10 to 12
The Senior Committee organised an online Postcard event centred on inclusivity and diversity. The program fostered respectful discussions and a sincere aspiration for positive change in the world. Our student speakers, who volunteered their expertise in physical and neurodiversity, shared their personal stories, demonstrating exceptional leadership and the effective use of their voices. This initiative cultivated empathy and a deeper understanding among participants.
Service learning
Year 9 Round Square Activity Day
In 2024, Year 9 participated in the inaugural Round Square Day. The cohort completed a variety of activities to help them learn about the IDEALS of Round Square including an inspiring talk from the Westpac Helicopter Service. Students created short advertisements for the IDEALS, enjoyed a scavenger hunt through Newcastle, and collected donations for women and children in our community. Four of our students presented these items to Nova for Women and Children, who were overwhelmed by the generosity of the K-12 NGS community. This was a successful day for Year 9 students to learn and serve through the Round Square framework.

Year 10 Transition to Senior Years Program
Year 10 students participate in Service Learning as part of their transition program at the end of Term 4. By helping in Primary classrooms, teaching PE lessons, cleaning, organising, sorting, and helping teachers and maintenance staff across both campuses, they realised the fun and satisfaction of helping others. They served with joyful hearts and willing hands and were wonderful role models.
Community Engagement
Each student is allocated to one of the four Houses: Tyrrell, Macquarie, Shortland and Hunter. In Secondary each Houses is responsible for the theme and activities during for a term. There is also a service and philanthropy focus, with a chosen local charity to support. Through a number of activities during the year, funds are also raised to benefit the Long Hai School in Vietnam. See The Vietnam Project below for more details.
Students are regularly involved in outreach activities such as Clean up Australia Day, singing at Community ANZAC Day services, fundraising programs, providing and serving food for food banks, donating books to the Children’s Hospital and so much more.