Research confirms that a dedicated study space aids concentration
Newcastle Grammar School’s Learning Centre is a vibrant and valuable program that operates in the Hill Campus Library every afternoon after school. It is a place for students to study, receive subject specific assistance and further develop their learning.
The Centre is supervised by Library staff and run by tutors across a range of subject areas. It aims to provide a dedicated study space to aid concentration and the opportunity for students to ask questions to help them complete tasks and gain a deeper understanding of concepts and theories.
Students are encouraged to use the Learning Centre for their individual learning needs. Some senior students timetable these sessions into their study planners while others visit for help as needed. It is also a place to complete homework in a supportive and supervised environment. Students who attend the sessions feel supported and empowered to take control of their own learning experience.
The Centre operates from 3.15pm to 5.00pm Monday to Friday for Year 7 to 10 students. For Year 11 and 12 students, the Centre remains open until 6pm Monday to Thursday, and these senior students may also use the Library during holiday periods to take advantage of the quiet, focused study environment. Year 5 and 6 students have access to a Homework Club within their dedicated area.