
Hands on learning in Year 1 at Newcastle Grammar School's Park Campus

A good start…

Parents are continually given advice from a range of sources on a range of topics – it can seem relentless. One topic that can rise above the rest is education, particularly on timing of starting school. The current popular view is that the more you hold your child back from school,

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Newcastle Grammar School has an exceptional calibre of graduating students

Co-Education Versus Single-Sex Schools

Co-Education Versus Single-Sex Schools In 2022, The Sydney Morning Herald had an article about the educational debate between co-educational schools like Newcastle Grammar and single-sex schools, which are predominantly in Sydney. The issue has been in the news, given the work by Chanel Contos on consent and respectful relationships, in

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Newcastle Grammar School stands tall as the pre-eminent school in the Hunter region

A love letter to Newcastle: new century, new vision

Long gone are the steel works, and the coalfields are on notice. Newcastle is a city in transition. Some of you may have already read Matt Dickson’s homage to Newcastle in The Guardian.   In it, he offers a historical panorama from the time of Awabakal land, through colonisation to an

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Hands on learning in Year 1 at Newcastle Grammar School's Park Campus

The Complexity of Teaching

“Teaching and teachers can profoundly change and significantly enhance lives.” Marcia Devlin, CEO of the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership wrote an opinion piece recently about the status and role of the teaching profession. At the end of a complex Term 1 2022, three years into the pandemic, I’d

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Managing smartphones in schools

Managing Smartphones in Schools

The misuse and impact of digital devices and smartphones by school students has been reported in a series of articles recently in the SYDNEY MORNING HERALD. In 2022, a leading independent day and boarding school for boys in Sydney made a policy decision to stop students from bringing their own laptops

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