
Global connections

Round Square

Newcastle Grammar School is part of the international network, Round Square, connecting more than 230 schools from over 50 countries. This extraordinary opportunity allows students to collaborate through world-class programs and experiences that develop global competence, character and confidence.

Through the Round Square Community, schools bring their students face-to-face with their peers from across the world to exchange ideas, learn about each other’s countries and cultures, and to discuss and debate some of the most difficult and sensitive issues facing our world today. Whether in-person, at Round Square Conferences, via Student Exchange, through Service Projects or online, the aim is always to build students’ international understanding.

Round Square schools share a commitment to character education and experiential learning built around six themes – International Understanding, Democracy, Environmental Stewardship, Adventure, Leadership and Service.

Read more about Round Square here

Students benefit from a large network of industry connections and outstanding relationships with teachers to create a strong community that makes an impact.

Local partnerships

Our connections with local businesses, organisations and industries help students be confidently prepared to take on an evolving global landscape.