Internet Gaming – A Problem for Young People, Families and Schools?

The online journal, School Governance, recently published an article by Elita Bird discussing the implications for schools of online gaming addictions which may lead to the development in adolescents of Internet Gaming Disorder or IGD (Bird, 2022). This article followed on from another recent article by Jordan Baker in The Age, titled “Problem gaming leading to […]

Subject Selection and the Search for Band Six

At Newcastle Grammar School, young people craft their own extraordinary futures in the modern global world

The Sydney Morning Herald’s (SMH) Education Editor wrote that HSC students appear to be ‘ditching’ difficult subjects in pursuit of a Band Six mark – meaning a mark above 90%. There is a great deal of irony in the SMH publishing an alarming article about this, given that it is the same Herald which publishes the […]

Why the HSC Matters

Newcastle Grammar School has a long history of academic excellence

David Cross, CEO of Blueprint Institute, recently published a thought-provoking opinion piece in the SMH* on the HSC titled – Stop saying the HSC doesn’t matter. It does. The article delves into the impact of the plethora of voices who proclaim that “the HSC does not matter.”  This sentiment is expressed frequently at this time of the […]

Curriculum Planning in Schools

Planning for personal excellence at Newcastle Grammar School

In October 2022, the well-respected Grattan Institute published a report which argued that students are suffering because teachers are not well-supported in their curriculum planning roles. They claimed that only 15% of the teachers they surveyed are able to access a “common bank of high-quality curriculum materials for all their classes.” The Grattan Report authors described […]

Grammar is back: Sweeping overhaul of English syllabus for Years 3-10

SMH – 5 December 7 DEC 2022 In December 2022, the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) reports that the new NSW English Syllabus for Years 3-10, which will be launched next week, will focus much more on “grammar, punctuation and sentence structure.” We were also told that this is in response to a “…decade-long decline in writing standards”, which “…has left […]