Years K-4

Newcastle Grammar School provides an environment and structure for young children to develop both socially and academically, with an emphasis on the traditional areas of literacy and numeracy as well as an introduction to the adventure of education. Our Primary staff pride themselves on the differentiated curriculum offerings, individualised programs and strong partnerships between home and school. Learning is tailored to how your child learns most effectively.

Our inquiry-based approach promotes independent and rich learning in Science, History and Geography. Specialist teachers work in the areas of Music, Art, STEM, PDHPE and Mandarin. A varied program of excursions and camps provides opportunities for the children to gain practical experience of the subjects studied.

Students work in ability groups in several areas of the curriculum and have access to specialist learning support, including occupational therapy and counselling services. Our gifted students have individual programs that are overseen by professionals in this area.

Further opportunities exist for Kindergarten to Year 6 students to learn Singing, Music and Speech and Drama.


Human Society and Its Environment (History and Geography)
Science and Technology
Creative Arts (Visual Art, Music, Drama, Dance)
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) and Sport
Languages (Mandarin)
Instrumental Music Program (Years 2 to 6)

“Inquiring is more than just a way of learning; it needs to be recognised as being a way of living, of reaching out to the world, of forming relationships, making meaning and creating change. Children inquire from birth, as they seek relationships with the world around them…”

Mrs Alicha Dyer, Head of Primary

Inquiry Learning

Inquiry-based learning poses questions to students that require critical and creative thinking so students can develop their abilities to ask questions, design investigations, interpret evidence, form explanations and arguments, and communicate findings.

The six ‘learning assets’ and associated skills and dispositions we aim to build in students through Inquiry Learning are:

I am a thinker

Developing students who are open-minded and creative, who have awareness of how they use their thinking and know their thoughts can change as they experience new things and listen to others’ viewpoints.

I am a self-manager

Growing in students the ability to be resilient and reflective, who can learn independently and make wise decisions about their learning and behaviour. Students with this asset can challenge themselves to improve and communicate their feelings.

I am a collaborator

Building in students a sense of empathy and reliability. Students who can work with others towards shared goals and be productive members of a team can actively respect others ideas and learn from them.

I am a communicator

Communicator students can think about their audience thoughtfully and modify their communications accordingly. They are responsive and respectful, willingly sharing their learning and understanding that different contexts require different ways of communicating.

I am a researcher

Inspiring curiosity and persistency within students, so they know where to look and who to ask to find answers, as well as thinking critically about the information they gather and acknowledge their sources.

I am a contributor

Developing in students courage and responsibility, learning to make a positive difference in their life and the lives of others. Students with these dispositions are aware of how they can bring their skills and talents to help others in both local and global contexts.

An inquiry-based approach considers all these behaviours as relevant to all learners, initially guiding students towards these skills until they gradually begin to demonstrate them independently.

See our plans to transform Park Campus into a world-class facility here